INfluence of Artificial Intelligence on Wind pOwer Sector

10+ Applications of Artificial Intelligence in WInd Power Sector

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the wind industry across the world, making it more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. AI enables Wind Turbines to learn and adapt to new situations without being explicitly programmed, and it has the potential to transform the way wind turbines are designed, operated, and maintained. The use of…

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How Can Wind Power Be Stored And Used For Later?

How Can Wind Power Be Stored And Used For Later?

Wind power is a form of energy that uses wind power to generate electricity. It is achieved through a wind turbine generator. These generators transform airflow into power through a system of rotor blades and other mechanical and electrical components. The power is transferred using a shaft to a generator which then converts it into electrical energy. With wind energy, it is feasible to deliver…

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PMG & DFIG WTG Differences

Differences between PMG WTG & DFIG WTG

Choosing the right generator and converter when designing a wind turbine is essential for proper functioning and reducing energy costs. A large percentage of modern drive trains are either doubly fed induction generators with partially rated converters or permanent magnet generators with fully rated converters. A permanent-magnet generator (PMG) is commonly used in small and…

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History of the Indian Wind Market

History of the Indian Wind Market

India is growing at a rapid pace. Energy is key to achieving India’s development goals, supporting a rapidly developing economy, bringing electricity to those who remain without it, and developing the infrastructure to meet the needs of what is soon expected to be the world’s most populous country. Despite its challenges, India is steadily implementing…

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World EConomic Forum Davos Summary

Key Takeaways from the WEF’22 forum.

World Economic Forum 22 Davos and the Renewable Energy Outlook.  This year, The World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland triggered many important conversations around the energy security of the European Union, green hydrogen technology, and It also attracted many investments into the sectors. The List of Key updates and inferences from Davos World Economic Forum …

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