The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued new regulations for Grid Interactive Distributed Renewable Energy Generating Systems, set to be in force upon their publication. These regulations update several key areas:
Transformer Capacity
Renewable energy installations cannot exceed 80% of a distribution transformer\’s capacity, with exceptions for High Tension (HT) consumers. The specifics for HT consumers are determined by other sections of the regulations.
Inverter Capacity
For both Net Billing and Net Metering systems, the inverter\’s peak AC capacity should not exceed permissible levels. Exceeding these levels will result in the excess energy being considered as taken from the distribution company (Discom).
Tariff Mechanism
The distribution licensee will enter a Connection Agreement based on the weighted average tariff discovered in the last Financial Year, plus a 40% incentive. If no bidding occurred, the latest discovered tariff will be used with a 40% incentive.
Excess Energy
For domestic consumers, if exported energy exceeds imported energy during the billing period, it will be bought by the Distribution Licensee at a rate determined by competitive bidding in the last financial year, plus 25%. The amount will be credited in the next billing cycle.
Net Metering Billing
For Net Metering consumers, net imported energy from the grid will be billed according to applicable slabs based on total consumption from all sources.
Additional Provisions
No cross-subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge will apply for RESCO-owned Renewable energy systems set up for domestic category consumers, State Govt. buildings, and public undertakings.
All of these amendments aim to govern the relationship between renewable energy producers and distribution licensees more efficiently, providing clarity on capacity limitations, tariffs, and other contractual mechanisms.